
April 4, 2018

First land plants were parasitized by microbes

Sainsbury Laboratory researchers have found that the relationship between plants and filamentous microbes not only dates back millions of years, but that modern plants have maintained […]
April 3, 2018

Protein derived from parasite has potential to alleviate debilitating disease

Medical researchers have turned the tables on Schistosoma haematobium, a parasitic worm that freeloads in humans, by using a protein derived from the parasite as a […]
April 3, 2018

Global warming can turn monarch butterflies' favorite food into poison

Researchers have discovered a new relationship between climate change, monarch butterflies and milkweed plants. It turns out that warming temperatures don’t just affect the monarch, Danaus […]
April 2, 2018

How a protein helps bacteria outsmart the human immune system

New research has uncovered a mechanism by which the bacteria that cause Lyme disease fight innate immune responses, and observed a never-before-seen phenomena demonstrating the bacteria […]