pest news

August 20, 2018

Love vine sucks life from wasps, leaving only mummies

An evolutionary biologists have discovered a new trophic interaction — the first example of a parasitic plant attacking a parasitic insect on a shared host plant. […]
August 20, 2018

Chagas disease has spread outside of Latin America and carries high risk of heart disease

Chagas disease is caused by a parasite, transmitted by a blood-sucking insect — Trypanosoma cruzi — and less frequently, from mother to fetus or by contaminated […]
August 20, 2018

Next-gen insect repellents to combat mosquito-borne diseases

Nearly 700 million people suffer from mosquito-borne diseases — such as malaria, West Nile, Zika and dengue fever — each year, resulting in more than 1 […]
August 16, 2018

How a 'jellyfish'-shaped structure relieves pressure in your cells

Scientists have solved the structure of a key protein that senses when our cells swell. How a 'jellyfish'-shaped structure relieves pressure in your cells How a […]