
July 26, 2018

How do jumping genes cause disease, drive evolution?

Researchers have developed new techniques to track the mobilization of jumping genes. They found that during a particular period of egg development, a group of jumping-genes […]
July 26, 2018

Removing malaria-carrying mosquitoes unlikely to affect ecosystems, says report

By combining studies on one species of malaria-carrying mosquito, researchers found that no other animals rely solely on them for food. Removing malaria-carrying mosquitoes unlikely to […]
July 20, 2018

The need for speed: Why malaria parasites are faster than human immune cells

Elementary cytoskeleton protein is different in parasites and represents a starting point for a possible new therapy against malaria infections. The need for speed: Why malaria […]
July 18, 2018

Cities as study proxies for climate change

Cities can serve as useful proxies to study and predict the effects of climate change, according to a research review that tracks urbanization’s effects on plant […]